
Nova Scotia Accessibility Act
Independent Review

Update: Public engagement for the review is now finished. The Accessibility Act Review report will be published in Spring 2023.


The Nova Scotia Accessibility Act was proclaimed in 2017 with a goal of achieving an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030.

The Act guides development of accessibility standards for the built environment, delivery of education, employment, the delivery and receipt of goods and services, information and communication, public transportation and transportation infrastructure, and other prescribed activities.

One of the requirements of the legislation is that a review of the Act would be conducted within four years of the legislation being enacted into a law.

The review will gather feedback about:


We Want to Learn From You

We want to learn what Nova Scotians know and think about the Act and its impact on accessibility in the province. We are especially interested in perspectives of persons with disabilities, organizations representing persons with disabilities, and organizations affected by the Act.

There are different ways to engage. You can take an anonymous survey or participate in an interview, or community engagement session. If you are interested in hosting a focus group or local engagement session please let us know. You can also submit comments directly to the Review Team.

Update on Engagement

Public engagement for the review spanned April to October 2022 and is now closed. The team is working on the report, which will be made public in spring 2023. Our sincere thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts and experiences as part of the review!

Community Engagement Sessions.

The community engagement phase of the review has now closed. Thank you!

Review Team.

The Independent Review Team is led by Dr. Katie Aubrecht (Reviewer), Canada Research Chair Health Equity & Social Justice, and includes Lead Associate and Researcher Kelly O’Neil, Associates Dr. Tammy Bernasky, Lisa Snider and Julianne Acker-Verney, and Assistants Shirley Hodder and Mary Jane Kelly. The Review adopts an inclusive design approach guided by contributions from provincial Accessibility Subject Matter Experts and Advisors, and Eviance: Canadian Centre on Disability Studies. Review activities are conducted from the Spatializing Care: Intersectional Disability Studies Lab at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.


Please tell us if there is anything we can do to support your engagement. Surveys can be completed online, by phone or using a WORD or PDF document. ASL interpretation, remote CART captioning, Braille copies of materials and/or sighted guides or care attendants may be arranged on request. We welcome feedback on how we can improve the accessibility of the review. For all accessibility inquiries and to share feedback, please use the contact form below.

Lets Connect.

If you have questions about the Review or how to engage you can send us a message directly using the form below.

  • Person Experiencing Stress
  • African American person sketching in a notebook
  • Person with Down syndrome practicing yoga
  • Smiling elderly person at a farmers market holding a basket of flowers
  • Young person with multi-coloured hair and artificial hand smiling